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We've Got Your 6 ...

We've Got Your 6 ...

Police Officers … we've got your 6!  And, we have a new coffee blend in your honor!

If you are unfamiliar with term, “got your 6,” in police and military circles it means, “we have your back.”  Given that the vast majority of the press and social media are controlled by the left-wing media with an agenda of creating chaos and dissension, we wanted to find a way to let our officers know that there are a lot of people in this country who support our officers and will gladly come to their aid if needed.  As we cling to the one true God and hold tightly to our guns, we will attempt to defend you, not de-fund you!  We appreciate the sacrifice you make to protect and serve.  We appreciate that you have taken an oath to uphold law and order regardless of age, gender, race or any other group subset.

You don’t have an easy job.  You do not get paid well.  You leave your family everyday to go out and protect ours.  You are expected to deal respectively with disrespectful, entitle-minded people who have no respect for their own parents so they are certainly not respectful of you or your position.  Almost every one of you are good and helpful members of our society and we know that you dislike “bad-cops” more than anyone else because they reflect negatively on your profession and harm your ability to build trust with the public.  You never know who the next “cop-killer” is until it is too late, as you tend to use respect and restraint, to the extent of your own peril.

We developed our new coffee blend, Got Your 6, to honor those officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice of giving their lives in the line of duty.  Got Your 6 is a bold blend, with a great combination of dark roast, medium roast and light roast coffee (because when all colors come together, valued equally, it is a beautiful thing).  10% of all retail sales of this new blend will be given to The National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund (  Their vision is to inspire all citizens to value law enforcement.  And their mission is to tell the story of American law enforcement, honor the fallen and make it safer for those who serve.

We can’t be there with each of you as you face danger, but we can certainly cover your back and do our part to be sure that your sacrifice is always remembered.

Thank you for your service, my friends! We’ve got your 6!

29th Jul 2020 Mike Arnold

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We've Got Your 6 ...
Mike Arnold 29th Jul 2020

We've Got Your 6 ...

Police Officers … we've got your 6!  And, we have a new coffee blend in your honor!If you are u...