We've Got Your 6 ...
Police Officers … we've got your 6! And, we have a new coffee blend in your honor!If you are unfamiliar with term, “got your 6,” in police and military circles
it means, “we have your back.” Given that the vast majority of the press and
social media are controlled by the left-wing media with an agenda of creating
chaos and dissension, we wanted to find a way to let our officers know that
there are a lot of people in this country who support our officers and will
gladly come to t
30th Jul 2020
The answer to all our problems...
In the last few days, I have seen many reassuring statements
to the public of the steps various organizations are taking in regard to the COVID-19
pandemic. I am thankful they are taking precautionary
steps (just as we are in following the CDC recommendations); however, I have
yet to see one of these statements which offers the solution to our problems. Given that fact, please allow me to shed some
light on this situation from 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. Our world has recently experienced severe
18th Mar 2020